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Plans for Fintry Community Garden

This week's blog is written by one of our members and volunteers, Alistair, who is also as you will see in the below drawing by Alistair,...

The Tatties are in!

This week's blog is written by our chair Michael ‘Well that seems to be that strange storm of the last few days over. Who was not worried...

Our Urban Woodland

We had a number of trees on the site before we came along and started adding more. It may seem strange for a community garden that has a...

Future plans, near and far

As the current #COVID19 "lockdown" continues, we as a community growing group are adamant to be assisting in the efforts the pandemic...

Lockdown Checks by our Chair

This week, our blog is written by our Chair, Michael. Michael visited the garden for his lockdown exercise yesterday afternoon. Most...

Ponds, biodiversity and benefits

When you think of a community garden or community growing projects such as a city farm or forest garden, a pond is perhaps not the first...

Compost bins from pallets

This morning I headed out to the community garden with one of the dogs, Xainna. A few weeks back myself and Alistair, another of the...

Starting off seeds

As the days become warmer and the sun starts to show, I am getting some vegetable seeds started off here at home, in the hope they take...

Orchards Galore

So a few weeks ago, a group of our volunteer members headed out to the community garden, tools at hand, and planted a selection of apple...


Our Chair Michael kindly wrote this on the back of our event today. The snowdrops on Fintry Gardens were out with the fine weather on...

Overdue update

So a little update as it has been a while It is nearing winter so there is not much going on out there in the garden as you may have...

May Update

I know its been a while since I last gave everyone an update. Therefore just wanted to send one out to let you all know how things are...

First week

So its been a busy week, lots of good news and plans taking form. I look forward to 5pm next Wednesday to hopefully see a load of folk...

Blog: Blog2
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