This week's blog is written by one of our members/volunteers, Alistair
Well looks like I probably jinxed myself by talking about the Council and grass cutting last week! As I made my way to finish off the grass cutting on Thursday, who turns up? A council grass cutter! Anyway, I had just enough time to finish what I was cutting and take some quick photographs, so we have a little to show of what the layout might look like. I was hoping that after the tractor had been across the grass you would still be able to see where I had cut the grass but there was nothing left. Not too disheartened as I really enjoyed marking and plotting out the path network, I really got a good look at what it would feel like. The tractor guy said would probably about 3 weeks before he was back, so I might try this again in 2 weeks time, would be 10 times easier with the grass being short and with the lockdown rules being eased even more over the next few weeks are we might get a few more of us down there to help.
View from behind the proposed community building looking south.
Closer view of the central circles and amphitheatre (outdoor classroom/community space)
View from the far trees looking north.