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  • Brian Webster

Daffodil Planting

Daffodils are an amazing flower, often found in massive waves or small clumps in the most unexpected areas. Their scientific name is "Narcissus" and come from the family of plants called "Amaryllidaceae". They are very hardy and can be grown in most places, sun, shade, cold or hot. The great thing about Daffodils is that they are bulb plants, meaning once planted, they will come up every year in springtime.

Today I have been out planting some daffodils in the woodland wildlife area of the garden, and although late for planting daffodils (normally planted in Autumn) the bulbs will go to sleep and next spring, break through the soil, adding some amazing colour to the area.

Not many people know that these plants actually were used many hundreds of years ago. People in Ancient Rome used Daffodils as a healing plant and extracted the sap to deal with their health problems and some suggest this is how these plants got to the UK. Not everyone also realises that there are more than 50 species and 25,000 varieties of daffodil.

We have several more bags to plant up and hopefully, we can have a sea of daffodils like this example from Craid Park.

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